Prior to the Summer of 2020 – 91ÀÏ˾»ú had two handbooks, the Employee Handbook and the Faculty Handbook with handbook
consisting of a static, PDF document that was reviewed and updated solely by the previous
director of HR.
Summer of 2020 - Chancellor Riley established two committees, the Employee Handbook Committee, and
the Faculty Handbook Committee, tasked with completing a comprehensive review of both
handbooks respectively and bringing forwarded recommended changes. Jennifer King,
Chief of Staff, and Mandy Keyes, Director of Human Resources, co-chaired the Employee
Handbook Committee. Lindsy Lawrence, Faculty member, chaired the Faculty Handbook
Fall Semester of 2020 - The committees’ reviewed the handbooks and proposed to combine the handbooks into
one comprehensive handbook with four sections (General University Information, General
Employee Information, Faculty Policies and Procedures, and Staff Policies and Procedures).
This was because both handbooks contained a lot of the same information and would
eliminate the need to update multiple sections containing the same information as
well as the chance of conflicting information due to human error while updating. Both
committees worked diligently reviewing and updating each section of the handbooks
as well as combining and reorganizing to the current form.
Spring Semester of 2021 – The new, combined 91ÀÏ˾»ú Faculty & Staff Handbook was launched to campus as a PDF.
Fall Semester of 2022 – The 91ÀÏ˾»ú Faculty & Staff Handbook was converted from a static, PDF document to.
Since Fall Semester of 2022 – Since the conversion of the handbook from a static, PDF document to a webpage that
can be updated in real time, the Chief of Staff and Director of Human Resources have
access through Modern Campus Catalog to review and amend the handbook in both real
time and annually every summer.
Summer of 2024 – The Chief of Staff and Director of Human Resources provided a list of all updates
that were made to the handbook during the summer of 2024 to the Chairs of Faculty
and Staff Senate along with all Cabinet members on August 12, 2024.
Phase 1 Change – include edits made to correct errors, small changes to wording or updating of hyperlinks,
offices, phone extensions, positions, and law numbers.
Phase 2 Change – include revisions from the Arkansas Division of Higher Education (ADHE), the University
of Arkansas System, State Law, or Federal Law.
Phase 3 Change - include changes to University policy, Instructional policies, or other policies
including robust edits, additions, or deletions.
Triggered when the Chief of Staff and Director of Human Resources review the handbook
in its entirety every summer for these changes, review specific sections throughout
the year, or notification of the need to make a correction.
Substantive Change(Phase 2 or 3 Change)– Significant change to wording in section and/or policy.
Triggered by Departments requesting updates to information in their sections of the
handbook, Faculty Senate Resolutions, Staff Senate Resolutions, Chancellor &/or Cabinet
Actions, UA Board &/or System Policy, State Law, or Federal Law.
Annual Review
Each summer the Chief of Staff and the Director of Human Resources reviews the in its entirety for Phase 1 changes as well as to ensure all Phase 2 and Phase 3 changes
have been made.
Modes of Communication
Spreadsheet - The spreadsheet will be organized by academic year and each tab will consist of
all the changes that were made to the handbook during that time. Each tab will consist
of the following columns: Effective Date, Section Number, Summary of Update, Link
to New Policy/Law (if applicable), and Notes.
List of Current Handbook Changes - On the menu on the right side of the screen of the landing page on the public website
of the Faculty and Staff Handbook there will be a link to the Current Handbook Changes which will be updated in real time and available to all faculty and staff to review
for changes.
Email Notification - An email will be sent out to all university employees each time a substantive change
is made to the handbook regarding policy and/or benefits.
These emails will be sent out as the changes are relevant rather than monthly since
changes to the handbook are usually not completed monthly but on an as needed basis.
Some changes are also effective immediately while others require a specific amount
of time before becoming effective (examples include UA Board or System policies becoming
effective after July 1 or state laws becoming effective 30 days after being signed
by the Governor).
These changes will also be listed on the spreadsheet for further tracking.
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